Object ID# 2007.003.001
Object Name Copy Print
Photo of an announcement of the public auction of “Inver House”. Photo of the front exterior is included in the announcement.
Announcement reads: “FINE PERIOD FURNITURE . . . American and English Sliver and Sheffield . . . Exceedingly Fine China Glass, Oriental . . . Rugs, Aubusson Tapestries, Paintings . . . Decorative Objects . . . The entire furnishings of . . . ‘INVER HOUSE’ WAYNE, PA. . . . The residence of the late MR. alnd MRS. ARCHIBALD BARKLIE .. . PUBLIC AUCTION . . . October 11th to 15th inclusive . . . at 2 P.M. each day . . . ON THE PREMISES . . . SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. . . . AUCTIONEERS . . . 1808-10 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa.