Object ID# 2006.010.009
Object Name Copy Print
Photo of the back-side of the house showing an entrance door. At the far right is what appears to be a large enclosure for a porch.
Handwritten on the rear: "151-b." Information found on the Main Line Estate Datasheet: "Location Code RDW-05 / Estate Name 'Chanticleer' / Street Brooke Road & Church Road / Village or Town Wayne / Original Owner A.G. Rosengarten Sr. Source M. Christine Penrose / Owner's Profession Rosengarten Chemicals -- merged into Merck."
"Plot Size 7 acr. 1912 / Original Architect Zantzinger Borey & Medery / Date 1912-13 / Status: Extant."
There are 4 Exterior Photos in this set.