Object ID# 2011.SWT.023b
Object Name Photograph
Date 1975
Black and white phot of a home known as the Fenimore House (also possibly known as “Wildwoods”). View of of the front and right side. Building is of stone -- basically two stories with dormer windows on the sides that can be seen plus a window in the very wide chimney, creating a third story. An enclosed porch can bee seen with a car parked beside it in the driveway. The front of a truck can be seen behind this car. Another car is parked in the driveway in the direction of the front of the house. Two people can be seen entering the front of the house, one walking through a low hedge. A heap of trash is at the entrance of the enclosed porch. The first floor front windows appear to be boarded up. Several windows on the second floor are open. House is surrounded by trees to the rear and side.
Handwritten on the rear: “Folder: / Streets -- / Eagle Rd.,/ Fenimore /Woods.”