Object ID# RHS-WH-A-15
Object Name Glass Plate Negative
Date ca. 1870
Photograph of a large open space field as supposesdly seen from the Louella Mansion in 1870. There is a springhouse surrounded by a white picket fence in the foreground. See the notes section for a good description of the area.
Typed on a piece of paper attached to photo: "Looking south from Lancaster Pike, opposite Louella Mansion, in 1870, / when open fields and farm land were all that could be seen where now / stand S. Mary's Church, the Radnor Township building, and the homes / to the south extending up and beyond the hill in the background. / The frame building in the foreground was built over a spring that has / disappeared, and Midland Avenue cuts through where the creek shows at / the foot of the hill. The creek is still there but covered over. / The frame cottage in the background stood east of the present inter- / section of Upland Way and Louella Avenue. It was removed in the '80s. / The trees in the left background are still about the same. They now / stand on the property of J. K. Trimble, Aberdeen Avenue and Upland / Way (1930)"