One feature of the entertainment at the Harvest Home Fete, held on the Charles E. Walton estate in mid-October, 1915, that was not hampered by the downpour of rain on two successive afternoons, was the dancing on the porch of the big mansion house. There were two sessions, one from 4 o’clock until 6 in the afternoon, and the other from 7:30 until 10:30 in the evening. Mrs. Thomas Theodore Watson, assisted by more than 40 aides, was in charge of the dancing which featured “Lucky Numbers” and “skill” contests. Music was by the well-known Herzberg orchestra. “Lucky number” prizes were awarded to Miss Edith Watt, of Wayne; Miss Sarah Barringer, of Haverford, and William K. Holman, of St. Davids. The ladies’ prizes were orders for ten dollar pumps, presented by Stelgerwalt’s, while the man’s prize was a ten dollar order on the Edward C. Tryon Company. Two consolation prizes were presented to Mrs. George Boles and Miss Eleanor Verner.
In the competition dances, the first prize, a silver cup from Bailey, Banks and Biddle, was won by John Watson, of Wayne, and Miss Sarah Meyers, of St. Davids. Second prizes consisting of ribbon rosettes from Dreka’s, went to Miss Martha Walton and William Wiedersheim. Still another prize, this time for “the most attractive young lady among the dancers” was presented to Miss Gladys Jameson, of St. Davids. This was a ten dollar order on Bailey, Banks and Biddle, given by Frank H. Bachman. Judges for these contests were Miss Skethy, and Miss Gibbs, of Philadelphia.
A “clearing up Sale” seemed to be the answer for what merchandise was still left after two rainstorms. And so on October 23 all unsold articles were displayed once more, this time at the Saturday Club. There were great bargains to be had that day!
With centrally located quarters in the Jones Building, the Neighborhood League was now increasing the scope of its original activities. Experience having proved that “neither long walks, the use of a horse and carriage, nor generous volunteer help with private automobiles” were practicable in meeting the growing demands of a large field, an automobile was purchased with money raised by special contributions. Activities were varied. During the year just past 137 families had been assisted by the League.
One of the innovations was school attendance work for Radnor School District. School gardens and playgrounds were also under the supervision of the League. There was the Savings Club, with both adults and children as members. Problems of housing and sanitation were taken up. Friendly Aid Conferences were held, sewing clubs were organized as were a group of Camp Fire Girls.
The visiting nurse was continuously busy, as shown by her report that in a four month period she had made 521 “walking visits” befor the League’s automobile was purchased.
Cooperating physicians sought the help of the League for their patients. Red Cross affiliation had just been secured in the field. One of the League’s growing problems was that of finding quarters for transients, who might be stranded in Wayne overnight.
In all these branches of its growing work the League needed much financial assistance. The gift made by the Harvest Home Fete was put to immediate good use by a Board headed by Dr. G. L. S. Jameson, of St. Davids, as president. Other officers included Miss Mary L. Walsh, of Wayne, E. Lewis Burnham, of Berwyn and C. W. Wayar, of Paoli, as vice-presidents; Charles S. Walton, of St. Davids, treasurer, and Dr. Marianne Taylor, of St. Davids, secretary.
In closing this series on the Harvest Home Fete, your columnist wishes to acknowledge the loan of the complete records kept by Miss Grace Roberts, general chairman. To her, more than to any other person, was due the thanks of the community and of the Neighborhood League.