In May and June of this year several columns of “Your Town and My Town” were devoted to the story of Morgan’s Corners, as Radnor was called in days gone by. Following the column of June 25, when a picture of the Old Store was used, your columnist received letters from two old time residents of Radnor.
One was O. Howard Wolfe, now living in Milford, Pa., who, during the course of 65 years’ residence in Radnor Township, served first as president of the Radnor School Board, and later of the Radnor Board of Township Commissioners. Another was Ray Yocom, who left Radnor in 1906 after having spent the first 20 years of his life in Radnor.
Mr. Yocom has recently sent an invaluable collection of old pictures, letters and newspaper clippings. Two of these pictures are shown in today’s column, with more to follow from time to time.
A notation on the back of this picture shows that it was taken “about 1898” by L.A. Sampson, photographic artist, of Berwyn. To the left is O.S. Dillin, proprietor of the Old Store and to the right is John G. Dillin, his brother. The latter was an authority on rifles of that period, and had himself designed one.
The shelves and cases back of the counter, with the gas chandelier above, will doubtless stir the curiosity or our readers, just as they do that of your columnist. One resident of Radnor, whose memory goes back to the time of this picture, says that among the merchandise sold by Mr. Dillin were such staples as flour, sugar, syrup and molasses. Kerosene was also a staple, since lamps and candles were then the only means of home illumination. Calico by the yard was sold, and articles of clothing, including shoes.
In Mr. Yocom’s collection of old time pictures are several of this delivery wagon and of “Frank,” the whlte horse. Of the vehicle Mr. Yocom has written, “this was a beautiful wagon for those days… I remember so well when Uncle got it.” And be adds, “I loved to go along with the driver to deliver groceries.”
Reading from left to right, the men in the picture are Louis Goebel (now living in Berwyn), Charley Ryan, Ray Yocom, Tom Lane, Peter Pechln (with beard and Straw hat), Walter Campton and Harry Lienhardt. Peter Pechin was the father of the late “Nate” Pechin, sheriff of Delaware County, who died only a few years ago. Walter Campton’s father was at one time ticket agent at Radnor Station.
And of Harry Lienhardt, Mr. Yocom writes, “he delivered bread to us from their bakery in Wayne,”
and then he adds, “and they had good bread!” Founded in the ’80’s the original Lienhardt store remained in business in the middle of Wayne’s business block until few years ago, when it passed into new ownership, although still retaining the old name.
(To be Continued)