An important part of the big Labor Day parade of 43 years ago was the children’s bicycle brigade, which included a well-disguised young rider wearing a monkey’s head mask, topped off by a small round cap, which we feel sure must have been a red one. On his bicycle, as it is shown in an old picture, is a sign which reads “I’m the Guy who put the Sauce in Sausage!”
In commenting on the parading bicyclers, “The Suburban” of that week says that “the picture the kiddies presented as they gravely passed in review before the judges is one long to be remembered.” Other events of the day for this age group were midget relay races, hoop races, pushmobile races and track sports.
The writer has looked in vain for a picture of the automobile described in a recent column as having “a gigantic moose head, typifying the Bull Moose party” on the front of it; although a big butterfly is a far cry from a moose, here at least is a car with that decoration on its radiator.
The serious youth holding the ribbons has not been identified, nor have the small girls who are almost smothered under their mothers’ hats. However, the small boy at the left is Francis deMarse, who was shown standing by his father’s ice cream stand in the recent column. The identifying “12” on the front of the car may be recognized by some of the old timers among our readers.
“The Suburban” listed the following as having cars in the parade: Mrs. Adolph Gosling, Allan Hale, Herman Wendell, Fred H. Treat, R.H. Wilbur, Walter Whetstone, Dr. J.W.L. Ward, W.B. Riley, Charles H. Quinby, M.C. McMahon, Robert Dornan, 2d, Ira V. Hale, T.T. Worrall and Sons and Rittenhouse Brothers, as well as the Radnor Fire Company’s automobile truck, driven by former Chief Charles E. Clark, and the chemical engine in the charge of Engineer Paul Cummings.
Silver cups were awarded as prizes to the two best entries, chosen by popular vote. They were Charles Quinby, first, and Robert Dornan, second. Doubtless, some of these automobiles appear in the line-up shown in the picture below, with the Rittenhouse Brothers and T.T. Worrell trucks closest to the camera.
In concluding this series on Labor Day, 1912, we again quote from “The Suburban” which describes the “Labor Day Carnival” as “a great success in every particular… Not since the palmy days of the old Merrivale Athletic Association and its successors, the Wayne Country Club and the Radnor Cricket Club, has Wayne had such an enjoyable affair… from early morning until the shades of evening were falling, there was not an idle moment.”