Photograph Collection

The Radnor Historical Society's collection of historic images and documents relating to Radnor Township is unmatched. This online archive represents our multi-year project to digitize the Society's physical archive, and to make it available to the public via the internet. You may browse the collection by the categories listed at the bottom of this page.

Most of the photographs displayed on this website are available as high resolution digital files. For more information visit this page.

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Number of unique photos and albums currently online: 4,926

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Featured Photo: Wayne Businesses, ca. 1947

2008.003.002What might be most interesting about this photograph of downtown Wayne as it appeared more than 70 years ago is how little has changed. The Anthony Wayne Theatre, former Wayne Opera House, and spires of the Wayne Presbyterian Church still define Wayne's skyline. The main difference is the store on the corner, a 3-story former house that was a popular candy store at the time of this photograph and would stand for less than ten years after.

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